Search Results: "nijel"

31 August 2016

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.8

Quite on schedule (just one day later), Weblate 2.7 is out today. This release brings Subversion support or improved zen mode. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

29 August 2016

Michal Čihař: motranslator 1.1

Four months after 1.0 release, motranslator 1.1 is out. If you happen to use it for untrusted data, this might be as well called security release, though this is still not good idea until we remove usage of eval() used to evaluate plural formula. Full list of changes: The motranslator is a translation library used in current phpMyAdmin master (upcoming 4.7.0) with focus on speed and memory usage. It uses Gettext MO files to load the translations. It also comes with testsuite (100% coverage) and basic documentation. Recommended way to install it is using composer from Packagist repository:
composer require phpmyadmin/motranslator
The Debian package will be available probably at point phpMyAdmin 4.7.0 will be out, but if you see need to have it earlier, just let me know.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 0 comments

Michal Čihař: Improving phpMyAdmin Docker container

Since I've created the phpMyAdmin container for Docker I've always felt strange about using PHP's built in web server there. It really made it poor choice for any production setup and probably was causing lot of problems users saw with this container. During the weekend, I've changed it to use more complex setup with Supervisor, nginx and PHP FPM. As building this container is one of my first experiences with Docker (together with Weblate container), it was not as straightforward as I'd hope for, but in the end is seems to be working just fine. While touching the code, I've also improved testing of the Docker container to tests all supported setups and to better report in case of test fails. The nice side effect of this is that the PHP code is no longer being executed under root in the container, so that should make it more sane for production use as well (honestly I never liked this approach that almost everything is executed as root in Docker containers).

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 4 comments

26 August 2016

Michal Čihař: CI coverage from Windows, Linux and OSX

Once I got CI working on multiple platforms the obvious next step was to be able to aggregate coverage reports across them. This should not be that hard, right? Well I've spent couple of hours on that during last few days. On Linux and OSX it was pretty much straightforward. Both GCC and Clang do support coverage, so it's just matter of configuring them properly and collect the coverage reports. I've used own solution for that in past and that was really far from working well (somehow I never managed to get coverage fully uploaded to Codecov). Fortunately there exists CMake script called CMake-codecov which does all needed work and works out of the box on GCC and Clang (even on OSX). Well it works on Travis only once you update the compilers and install llvm-cov tool. The Windows part on AppVeyor was much harder for me. This can be heavily accounted to lack of my experience with Windows and especially development on Windows in past ten years (probably even more). First challenge was to find something what can generate code coverage there. After lot of googling I've settled down on OpenCppCoverage what seems to be the only free solution I was able to find. The good thing is that it can generate coverage in Cobertura format that Codecov undestands. There are also bad things that I've learned. First of all it's quite hard to integrate this with CTest. There is no support for wrapping test calls in custom commands, so I've misused the memory checks for that purpose. I've written small python script which pretends the valgrind interface and does call OpenCppCoverage in the background. Now I had around 800 coverage files (one for each test case) and we need to deal with them somehow. The Codeconv command line client doesn't deal wit this out of the box so the obvious choice was to merge them before upload. There even seems to be script doing that, but unfortunately trying that on our coverage data make it nowhere near completion within hour, so that's not really good choice. Second thing I've tried was merging binary coverage in OpenCppCoverage and then exporting to Cobertura format. Obviously Gammu is special project as all I got from this attempt was crashing OpenCppCoverage (it did merge some of the coverages, but it failed in the end without indicating any error). In the end I've settled down to uploading files in chunks to Codecov. This seems to work quite okay, though is a bit slow, mostly due to way how Codecov bash uploader prepares data to upload (but this will be hopefully fixed soon). Anyway the goal has been reached, both Windows and Linux code shows in coverage reports.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

22 August 2016

Michal Čihař: Continuous integration on multiple platforms

Over the weekend I've played with continuous integration for Gammu to make it run on more platforms. I had to remember many things from the Windows world on the way and the solution is not yet complete, but the basic build is working, the only problematic part are external dependencies. First of all we already have Linux builds on Travis CI. These cover compilation with both GCC and Clang compilers, hopefully covering most of the possible problems. Recently I've added OS X builds on Travis CI, what was pretty much painless and worked out of the box. The next major architecture to support is Windows. Once I've discovered AppVeyor I thought it might be the way to go. The have free plans for open-source projects (though it has only one parallel build compared to four provided by Travis CI). As our build system is cross platform based on CMake, it should work pretty much out of the box, right? Well almost, tweaking the basics took some time (unfortunately there is no CMake support on AppVeyor, so you have to script it a bit). The most painful things on the way: You can check our current appveyor.yml in case you're going to try something similar. Current build results are on AppVeyor. As a nice side effect, we now have up to date Windows binaries for Gammu.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

19 August 2016

Michal Čihař: Wammu 0.42

Yesterday, I've released Wammu 0.42. There are no major updates, more likely it's usual localization and minor bugfixes release. As usual up to date packages are now available in Debian sid, Gammu PPA for Ubuntu or openSUSE buildservice for various RPM based distros. Want to support further Wammu development? Check our donation options or support Gammu team on BountySource Salt.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

17 August 2016

Michal Čihař: Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W32

Tonight phpMyAdmin,, and 4.6.4 were released and you can probably see that there are quite some security issues fixed. Most of them are not really exploitable unless your PHP and webserver are poorly configured, but still it's good idea to upgrade. If you are running Debian unstable, use our phpMyAdmin PPA for Ubuntu or use phpMyAdmin Docker image upgrading should be as simple as pulling new version. Besides fixing security issues, we're generally hardening our infrastructure. I'm really grateful that Emanuel Bronshtein (@e3amn2l) is doing great review of all of our code and helps us in this area. This will really make our code and infrastructure much better. Handled issues:

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 0 comments

Michal Čihař: Revoking old PGP key

It has been already six years since I've moved to using RSA4096 PGP key. For various reasons, the old DSA key was still kept valid till today. This is no longer true and it has been revoked now. The revoked key is DC3552E836E75604 and new one is 9C27B31342B7511D. In case you've signed the old one and not the new one (quite unlikely if you did not sign it more than six years ago), there has been migration document, where you can verify my new key being signed by the old one.

Filed under: Debian English 0 comments

16 August 2016

Michal Čihař: Gammu 1.37.4

It has been almost three months since last Gammu release and it's time to push fixes out to users. This time the amount of fixes is quite small, covering Huawei devices and text mode for sending SMS. Full list of changes in 1.37.4: Would you like to see more features in Gammu? You an support further Gammu development at Bountysource salt or by direct donation.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu 0 comments

20 July 2016

Michal Čihař: New projects on Hosted Weblate

For almost two months I found very little time to process requests to host free software on Hosted Weblate. Today the queue has been emptied, what means that you can find many new translations there. To make it short, here is list of new projects: PS: If you didn't receive reply for your hosting request today, it was probably lost, so don't hesitate to ask again.

Filed under: Debian English Weblate 0 comments

10 July 2016

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.7

Slightly later than on monthly schedule but Weblate 2.7 is out today. This release brings improvements to the API and is first to officially support wlc a command line client for Weblate. Full list of changes for 2.7: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

8 July 2016

Michal Čihař: wlc 0.4

wlc 0.4, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. This release doesn't bring much changes, but still worth announcing. The most important change is that development repository has been moved under WeblateOrg organization at GitHub, you can now find it at Another important news is that Debian package is currently waiting in NEW queue and will hopefully soon hit unstable. wlc is built on API introduced in Weblate 2.6 and still being in development. Several commands from wlc will not work properly if executed against Weblate 2.6, first fully supported version will be 2.7 (current git is okay as well, it is now running on both demo and hosting servers). You can usage examples in the wlc documentation.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

7 July 2016

Michal Čihař: uTidylib 0.3

Several years ago I've complained about uTidylib not being maintained upstream. Since that time I've occasionally pushed some fixes to my GitHub repository with uTidylib code, but without any clear intentions to take it over. Time has gone and there was still no progress and I started to consider becoming upstream maintainer as well. I quickly got approval from Cory Dodt, who was the original author of this code, unfortunately he is not owner of the PyPI entry and the claim request seems to have no response (if you know how to get in touch with "cntrlr" or how to take over PyPI module please let me know). Anyway the amount of patches in my repository is big enough to warrant new release. Additionally Debian bug report about supporting new HTML tidy library came in and that made me push towards releasing 0.3 version of the uTidylib. As you might guess, the amount of changes against original uTidylib is quite huge, to name the most important ones: Anyway as I can not update PyPI entry, the downloads are currently available only on my website:

Filed under: Debian English uTidylib 0 comments

29 June 2016

Michal Čihař: PHP shapefile library

Since quite a long time phpMyAdmin had embedded the bfShapeFiles library for import of geospatial data. Over the time we had to apply fixes to it to stay compatible with newer PHP versions, but there was really no development. Unfortunately, as it seems to be only usable PHP library which can read and write ESRI shapefiles. With recent switch of phpMyAdmin to dependency handling using Composer I wondered if we should get rid of the last embedded PHP library, which was this one - bfShapeFiles. As I couldn't find alive library which would work well for us, I resisted that for quite long, until pull request to improve it came in. At that point I've realized that it's probably better to separate it and start to improve it outside our codebase. That's when phpmyadmin/shapefile was started. The code is based on bfShapeFiles, applies all fixes which were used in phpMyAdmin and adds improvements from the pull request. On top of that it has brand new testsuite (the coverage is still much lower than I'd like to have) and while writing the tests several parsing issues have been discovered and fixed. Anyway you can now get the source from GitHub or install using Composer from Packagist. PS: While fixing parser bugs I've looked at other parsers as well to see how they handle some situations unclear in the specs and I had to fix Python pyshp on the way as well :-).

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 0 comments

26 June 2016

Michal Čihař: Troja bridge in Prague

I think it's time to renew tradition of photography posts on this blog. I will start with pictures taken few weeks ago on Troja bridge, which is the newest bridge over the Vltava river in Prague.

Filed under: Debian English Photography 0 comments

24 May 2016

Michal Čihař: Gammu release day

There has been some silence on the Gammu release front and it's time to change that. Today all Gammu, python-gammu and Wammu have been released. As you might guess all are bugfix releases. List of changes for Gammu 1.37.3: List of changes for python-gammu 2.6: List of changes for Wammu 0.41: All updates are also on their way to Debian sid and Gammu PPA. Would you like to see more features in Gammu family? You an support further Gammu development at Bountysource salt or by direct donation.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu python-gammu Wammu 0 comments

19 May 2016

Michal Čihař: wlc 0.3

wlc 0.3, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. This is probably first release which is worth using so it's probably also worth of bigger announcement. It is built on API introduced in Weblate 2.6 and still being in development. Several commands from wlc will not work properly if executed against Weblate 2.6, first fully supported version will be 2.7 (current git is okay as well, it is now running on both demo and hosting servers). How to use it? First you will probably want to store the credentials, so that your requests are authenticated (you can do unauthenticated requests as well, but obviously only read only and on public objects), so lets create ~/.config/weblate:
url =
[keys] = APIKEY
Now you can do basic commands:
$ wlc show weblate/master/cs
last_author: Michal  iha 
last_change: 2016-05-13T15:59:25
revision: 62f038bb0bfe360494fb8dee30fd9d34133a8663
total: 1361
total_words: 6144
translated: 1361
translated_percent: 100.0
translated_words: 6144
You can find more examples in wlc documentation.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

14 May 2016

Michal Čihař: Fifteen years with phpMyAdmin and free software

Today it's fifteen years from my first contribution to free software. I've changed several jobs since that time, all of them involved quite a lot of free software and now I'm fully working on free software. The first contribution happened to be on phpMyAdmin and did consist of Czech translation:
Subject: Updated Czech translation of phpMyAdmin
From: Michal Cihar <>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 11:23:36 +0200
X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.2]
I've updated (translated few added messages) Czech translation of phpMyAdmin. 
I send it to you in two encodings, because I thing that in distribution 
should be included version in ISO-8859-2 which is more standard than Windows 
    Michal Cihar
Many other contributions came afterwards, several projects died on the way, but it has been a great ride so far. To see some of these you can look at my software page which contains both current and past projects and also includes later opensourced tools I've created earlier (mostly for Windows). These days you can find me being active on phpMyAdmin, Gammu, python-gammu and Wammu, Debian and Weblate.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE 2 comments

12 May 2016

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Changed Debian repository signing key

After getting complains from apt and users, I've finally decided to upgrade signing key on my Debian repository to something more decent that DSA. If you are using that repository, you will now have to fetch new key to make it work again. The old DSA key was there really because my laziness as I didn't want users to reimport the key, but I think it's really good that apt started to complain about it (it doesn't complain about DSA itself, but rather on using SHA1 signatures, which is most you can get out of DSA key). Anyway the new key ID is DCE7B04E7C6E3CD9 and fingerprint is 4732 8C5E CD1A 3840 0419 1F24 DCE7 B04E 7C6E 3CD9. It's signed by my GPG key, so you can verify it this way. Of course instruction on my Debian repository page have been updated as well.

Filed under: Debian English 2 comments

2 May 2016

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W17

Last week was quite split into many smaller tasks - working on our libraries (both SQL parser and motranslator got new releases with bug fixes), fixing bugs for upcoming 4.6.1 and working on documentation. From the libraries side, probably most visible is release of motranslator 1.0, just to claim it's now stable enough. Let's see if somebody else will pick it up as well or it will stay only for our use. Most time was however spent on our documentation. We've agreed to move wiki from our server to GitHub wiki and reduce content available on the wiki. So far it's really mixture of user documentation, notes and developer documentation. The final shape should be that wiki will contain only developer documentation and all end user documentation will go to our documentation. So far I've gone through about half of user docs pages, deleted duplicated ones and moved content to our documentation. It is most visible on the user guide which now contains way more information and hopefully it will get more complete in near future. Handled issues:

Filed under: English phpMyAdmin 0 comments

